My Queen Journey Around the World Has Been Amazing!

Leatha Joyner - My queen journey around the world - Miss Juneteenth America

My queen journey around the world has been amazing! So many unexpected blessing and Devine appointments! My European Teen Miss Juneteenth America Tour started in Italy! Queen mother and I went to Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome and the country side of Italy in Tuscany!Getting to go around Europe and have such an amazing time with my mom is such a blessing!

From Italy we moved on to France! Paris specifically where we got to see some pretty cool things like The Olympics, The Louvre, The Eiffel Tower! During my Queen adventures I have gotten to share about Juneteenth, the importance of it and what it means to be Teen Miss Juneteenth America! While on Seine River we got to meet &take pictures some people and share with information with them and it was great seeing people getting excited about learning about Black history. I’m so glad that I am able to do work such as this and teach others with my mom about Juneteenth and our History.💕


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