My queen journey around the world has been amazing! So many unexpected blessing and Devine appointments! My European Teen Miss Juneteenth America Tour started in Italy! Queen mother and I went to Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome and the country side of Italy in Tuscany!Getting to go around Europe and have such an amazing time with my mom is such a blessing!
From Italy we moved on to France! Paris specifically where we got to see some pretty cool things like The Olympics, The Louvre, The Eiffel Tower! During my Queen adventures I have gotten to share about Juneteenth, the importance of it and what it means to be Teen Miss Juneteenth America! While on Seine River we got to meet &take pictures some people and share with information with them and it was great seeing people getting excited about learning about Black history. I’m so glad that I am able to do work such as this and teach others with my mom about Juneteenth and our History.💕